SaaS Founders

SaaS Founders received 14 qualified leads in the first month of working with us.

Case overview

SaaS Founders, a lead generation service for IT companies, had been running LinkedIn ad campaigns for years, both on their own and with other advertising agencies.

Their offer – a guaranteed 50 leads a year for IT companies – is a fantastic offer. They just needed a bit of guidance on audience targeting, ad format, and copy text to best communicate this offer to IT companies.

This is where SaaS Founders turned to us here at InCampaign Agency to help them move forward and generate leads.

The Brief

SaaS Founders had found a little success with their ad campaigns on LinkedIn, but we noticed when auditing them that a few best practices were needed to be put in place.

Primarily, the issues we found were:

  • Too much text in the ad copy, which took away from the headline power of their offer.
  • Audience sizes of well over 1,000,000 with budgets of $1,000 and under.
  • Less than 4-5 ads running in each campaign, making A/B testing vs. LinkedIn’s frequency cap optimization difficult.
  • Daily budgets used as opposed to lifetime budgets, which forces the LinkedIn algorithm to spend their budget on less than optimal days the same vs. days where more of their audiences were on-platform.
  • Low manual bidding used as opposed to maximum delivery bidding, which made the algorithm show their ads to the less expensive, yet also less desirable portion of their target audience.

Our Approach

Our approach was simple – apply the best practices against our findings above and to use much less copy, along with very bold ad image text, to truly highlight and enhance their exceptional offer. 

Also, to get attention quickly, we utilized motion gifs in place of static images for their ads.


The Results

All KPIs in their campaigns were excellent in the first month of working with us.

Most notably:


Leads within first month and first $1,000 of ad spend


CTR (click through rate) in first retargeting campaign


Average CPC (cost per click)

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