
OnyHealth received 56 qualified leads in the first month of working with us.

Case overview

OnyHealth, a service helping MedTech companies simplify regulatory compliance for their products, had never ran a LinkedIn ad campaign before and were looking for guidance and to see if they had product market fit.

Their offerings were free videos & guidebooks to these MedTech companies in exchange for their contact information to then be able to contact and upsell their services.

This is where OnyHealth asked us here at InCampaign Agency to help generate leads with a limited budget and help prove product market fit.

The Brief

OnyHealth’s ideal customer profile is extremely niche + they were working with a limited starter budget, which we had recommended as it made more sense for them to start small and expand when the data indicated positive results.

The challenges in starting the campaigns included:

  • Needing to utilize list based services such as Crunchbase to properly target “MedTech” companies as LinkedIn’s native targeting doesn’t include this specific of a parameter.
  • A/B testing ad creatives that were unknown in effectiveness, but were created based on advertising best practices.
  • Having sufficient impressions to A/B testing both ad creatives as well as campaign objectives with a limited budget.

The Results

Even without knowing product market fit + advertising a brand new brand to a completely cold audience, all of OnyHealth’s KPIs were excellent in the first month of working with us.

Most notably:


Leads within first month and first $1,000 of ad spend


Average CPL (cost per lead)


Average CPC (cost per click)

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