The Dealmaker’s Academy

The Dealmaker's Academy received 234 website conversions in the first month of working with us.

Case overview

The Dealmaker’s Academy, a coaching and consulting service for business owners looking to build and exit their companies with maximum profit, had been running LinkedIn ad campaigns for years, both on their own and with other advertising agencies.

Their fantastic, value based offers included free video trainings, webinars, checklists, tools and more. They just needed help with proper account set up, audience targeting, conversion tracking, bidding, strategy for utilizing warm audiences & leads and cost per result management.

This is where The Dealmaker’s Academy turned to us here at InCampaign Agency to help them move forward and generate conversions.

The Brief

The Dealmaker’s Academy had found prior success with their ad campaigns on LinkedIn, but this was short-lived – the agencies they were working with had advised that the ads were only “good” for about a month before falling off in effectiveness, to which The Dealmaker’s Academy knew they needed to make a change in who they were working with.

Primarily, the issues we found were:

  • Improper audience targeting.
  • Not incorporating warm leads lists and owner connections into targeting.
  • Not subdividing audiences between cold and warm.
  • Not utilizing retargeting / remarketing strategies.
  • Improper conversion tracking in place.

Our Approach

We took the approach of making sure to have a full conversation on the goals of the accounts as well as plenty of communication on what audiences and audience lists we could utilize. These included:

The Results

Because of their great offers + enhanced campaign strategy, properly utilizing their connections, leads, client base and native targeting parameters, all KPIs in their campaigns were excellent in the first month of working with us.

Most notably:


Conversion events in the first month


Average cost per conversion event


Average CPC (cost per click)

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